Charles Fennel ParrottAge: 701914–1985
- Name
- Charles Fennel Parrott
- Given names
- Charles Fennel
- Surname
- Parrott
Birth | October 22, 1914 |
Marriage of parents | 1914 |
Marriage | Myra Roydhouse - View Family 1940 (Age 25) |
Death of a father | July 13, 1966 (Age 51) |
Death of a mother | 1969 (Age 54) |
Death | 1985 (Age 70) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 2163
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Richard Sydney Parrott 1891–1966 |
Annie May Nottingham 1894–1969 |
Charles Fennel Parrott 1914–1985 |
Immediate Family | |
Myra Roydhouse 1913–2004 |