George Walton BarkerAge: 791882–1961
- Name
- George Walton Barker
- Given names
- George Walton
- Surname
- Barker
Birth | 1882 |
Death of a father | January 1, 1899 (Age 17) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | |
Death of a maternal grandmother | |
Death of a mother | February 1, 1905 (Age 23) |
Death of a brother | August 27, 1945 (Age 63) |
Death of a brother | October 4, 1949 (Age 67) |
Death | 1961 (Age 79) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 1814
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Robert Barker 1825–1899 |
Amy Smith 1835–1905 |
Robert Barker 1865– |
Frank Barker 1867–1945 |
Alfred Barker 1874–1949 |
![]() |
George Walton Barker 1882–1961 |