Robyn Philippa Joy FendallAge: 65 years1959–
- Name
- Robyn Philippa Joy Fendall
- Given names
- Robyn Philippa Joy
- Surname
- Fendall
Birth | November 25, 1959 |
Divorce | Taotahi Pihama - View Family |
Birth of a brother | August 22, 1963 (Age 3) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | September 6, 1964 (Age 4) |
Death of a mother | October 23, 1992 (Age 32) |
Marriage | Taotahi Pihama - View Family October 31, 1992 (Age 32) |
Death of a father | 2010 (Age 50) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 1870