Barbara Leslie NormanAge: 68 years1956–
- Name
- Barbara Leslie Norman
- Given names
- Barbara Leslie
- Surname
- Norman
Birth | November 4, 1956 |
Birth of a brother | February 12, 1960 (Age 3) |
Birth of a sister | May 1, 1961 (Age 4) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | March 19, 1962 (Age 5) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | May 8, 1962 (Age 5) |
Birth of a sister | June 12, 1965 (Age 8) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | June 30, 1966 (Age 9) |
Marriage | Spencer Douglas Golden - View Family December 17, 1980 (Age 24) |
Birth of a son #1 | November 20, 1984 (Age 28) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | October 20, 1986 (Age 29) |
Death of a father | March 16, 2000 (Age 43) |
Death of a mother | May 6, 2009 (Age 52) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 3451
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
John Leslie Norman 1916–2000 |
Hazel Stuart Pennington 1927–2009 |
![]() |
Barbara Leslie Norman 1956– |
John William Norman 1960– |
Helen Stuart Norman 1961– |
Philippa Ann Norman 1965– |
Immediate Family | |
Spencer Douglas Golden 1958– |
Samuel John Golden 1984– |
Emma Alexandrina Golden 1986– |