Joseph MellorAge: 341803–1838
- Name
- Joseph Mellor
- Given names
- Joseph
- Surname
- Mellor
Birth | October 4, 1803 |
Marriage | Catherine Pennington - View Family 1827 (Age 23) |
Birth of a son #1 | 1829 (Age 25) |
Birth of a son #2 | 1831 (Age 27) |
Birth of a son #3 | 1832 (Age 28) |
Birth of a daughter #4 | 1835 (Age 31) |
Birth of a daughter #5 | 1835 (Age 31) |
Birth of a daughter #6 | 1837 (Age 33) |
Death | 1838 (Age 34) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 3873
Family list
Family navigator
Immediate Family | |
Catherine Pennington 1808–1875 |
William Mellor 1829–1906 |
Joseph Mellor 1831–1893 |
John Pennington Mellor 1832–1908 |
Elizabeth Mellor 1835– |
Ursula Mellor 1835–1915 |
Catherine Mellor 1837–1862 |
Dr … Blackburn + Catherine Pennington | |
Dr … Blackburn – |
Catherine Pennington 1808–1875 |
Robert Blackburn –1876 |