Charlotte Elizabeth NelsonAge: 571859–1916
- Name
- Charlotte Elizabeth Nelson
- Given names
- Charlotte Elizabeth
- Surname
- Nelson
Birth | 1859 Bridgenorth, Shropshire |
Birth of a sister | 1860 (Age 12 months) Bridgenorth, Shropshire |
Birth of a sister | 1863 (Age 4) Coalpitbank, Shropshire |
Death of a mother | May 22, 1896 (Age 37) Napier, NZ |
Death of a maternal grandmother | |
Death of a father | March 7, 1902 (Age 43) Dunedin, NZ |
Death of a sister | June 20, 1911 (Age 52) Northcote, Auckland |
Burial of a sister | June 21, 1911 (Age 52) Birkenhead/Glenfield Cemetary North Shore Auckland NZ |
Death of a brother | October 29, 1911 (Age 52) Whangarei, NZ |
Burial of a brother | November 2, 1911 (Age 52) Napier, NZ |
Death of a brother | April 19, 1913 (Age 54) Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, NZ |
Burial of a brother | April 21, 1913 (Age 54) Cemetery Wairoa |
Marriage | Edwin White - View Family September 16, 1913 (Age 54) Registry Office, Auckland |
Death | May 30, 1916 (Age 57) Auckland, NZ |
Burial | June 1, 1916 (2 days after death) Birkenhead Cemetery |
Extra information
Hit Count: 3062
Family list
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Rev John Nelson 1820–1902 |
Mary Middleton 1823–1896 |
John Middleton Nelson 1854–1913 |
Harry Nelson 1856–1911 |
Charlotte Elizabeth Nelson 1859–1916 |
Florence Mary Nelson 1860–1938 |
Annie Eliza Nelson 1863–1911 |
Immediate Family | |
Edwin White 1848–1927 |