Was a Police Chief Constable
Delt note | Was a Police Chief Constable
Richard Burgess Sayer unfortunately passed away at the Wellington Public Hospital wellington New Zealand on 26-december-1856(4) of Delirium Tremens.
"He met up with an armed party led by Chief Constable Richard Burgess Sayer which was carrying to New Plymouth dispatches, presumably intended for the government at Auckland, warning of the likelihood of war."
Richard Burgess Sayer sailed from London, England on the 15th September 1839 on the Ship "Oriental", and landed at Port Nicholson, Wellington, New Zealand on the 31st January 1840 after a four and a half month journey. The NZ Company's Embarkation Register of Assisted Emigrants states that he was a bricklayer, single and aged 21.
It is not known when Burgess joined the Police Force, but it must have been shortly after his arrival in NZ because 3yrs & 4 months after arriving, he was Chief Constable of Wellington, NZ, when a notice appeared in the "NZ Gazette" & "Wellington Spectator" of the 17th June 1843, which was signed by Richard Burgess Sayer, Chief Constable.