Living at 124 Asquith Ave, Mt Eden as Mary Amelia Coleman in 1949. Also at the same address is Allan…
Shared note Living at 124 Asquith Ave, Mt Eden as Mary Amelia Coleman in 1949. Also at the same address is Allan Desmond Coleman, possibly her son.

Transcription "In loving memory of Mary Amelia Coleman, much loved mother of Lila and Allan, died 3rd June 1950 aged 79 yrs." NOTE also under Dowrick Listed under both names in Burial Register Arthur Coleman in same plot

Living at 124 Asquith Ave, Mt Eden as Mary Amelia Coleman in 1949. Also at the same address is Allan…

1Parsons, Mary AmeliaFemale
Mary Amelia,ParsonsParsons,Mary Amelia15297478FYESY100

Total individuals: 1