In 1884 his father bought 192 acres in Southland Which he received from his father's will in 1887. W...
Delt note In 1884 his father bought 192 acres in Southland Which he received from his father's will in 1887. When he emmigrated in 1879 ( on the 'Euterpe' to Lyttleton) he gave some money to a lawyer in Christchurch NZ to administer, but this lawyer embezzled it all. Richard went by train to Christchurch to sort the matter out but died on the train. He was buried in Southland

'Calcium' is the former name for Isla Bank

In 1884 his father bought 192 acres in Southland Which he received from his father's will in 1887. W...

1Pennington, RichardMand

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