
Male  William Roydhouse

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Male  Samuel Roydhouse

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Female  Sarah Roydhouse

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Female  Hannah Roydhouse

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Female  Margaret Roydhouse

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Male  Thomas Roydhouse

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Female  Elizabeth Roydhouse

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Elizabeth Roydhouse - Birth -- 1745
Elizabeth Roydhouse - Christening -- March 14, 1745 Darfield, Yorkshire, England
Thomas Roydhouse - Birth -- 1747
Thomas Roydhouse - Christening -- May 14, 1747 Darfield, Yorkshire, England
Margaret Roydhouse - Birth -- 1749
Margaret Roydhouse - Christening -- October 24, 1749 Darfield, Yorkshire, England
Hannah Roydhouse - Birth -- 1752
Hannah Roydhouse - Christening -- July 5, 1752 Darfield, Yorkshire, England
Sarah Roydhouse - Birth -- 1755
Sarah Roydhouse - Christening -- March 16, 1755 Darfield, Yorkshire, England
Samuel Roydhouse - Birth -- 1757
Samuel Roydhouse - Christening -- September 18, 1757 Darfield, Yorkshire, England
William Roydhouse - Birth -- 1762
William Roydhouse - Christening -- March 14, 1762 Darfield, Yorkshire, England
Thomas Roydhouse + Sarah Foulstone - Marriage -- October 22, 1772 Husband's age 25 Wife's age 17 Darfield, Yorkshire, England Sarah Foulstone